J. Huffman, Editrix
Sometimes, I get wrapped up so completely in work-related (day job, that is) projects that by the time I sit down to edit, I find myself auditing instead.  The substantial difference between them, in my head, is this:  Editing requires finesse, attention to what comes before, after, and points in-between and knowing where the story is going.  Knowing the highs and lows, keeping a close eye on the details of the story as a whole.  Auditing is all hack-and-slash, purely technical when it comes to grammar, spelling and layout.

It does not serve the author that I'm working with nor myself to merely audit a piece...there's software for that.  True, some errors will never be caught by a series of ones and zeros, but for the most, human review is not strictly necessary.  

Getting myself into edit mode reminds me why I really am in love with the idea of being an editor:  I am invited to shepherd  someone's dream.  That's a tall order, and one that I worry about being consistently equal to.  I pride myself on being able to spot inconsistencies and errors - which makes me both a good editor and a good auditor.    I also love having a well-crafted story, which mere auditing does not quite achieve.   But I am aware of the difference, and how effective each skill set can be, given the circumstances under which I am working.

It matters, the difference between editing and auditing.  It matters a great deal.

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    About Jenna:

    I love books.  Deeply, passionately, and above almost all else.  Let me help you by editing your book!  [email protected]